Bastian Grossenbacher Rieck

A recent portrait of me

Welcome to my personal and academic space! I am a Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Fribourg, leading the AIDOS Lab, which focuses on research at the intersection of geometry, topology, and machine learning. I also hold a secondary appointment at the Institute of AI for Health and the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus of Helmholtz Munich. Finally, I have the honour to be a TUM Junior Fellow and a member of ELLIS.

You can give me anonymous feedback. I am particularly interested in feedback related to my research or my content. Alternatively, you can shoot me an e-mail.

I am looking for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers, so if you like my research and would like to work with me, please reach out to me with your CV and a brief motivation letter!

This site contains some things I care about.



Previously, I was a senior assistant in the Machine Learning & Computational Biology Lab of Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt at ETH Zürich. I obtained my Ph.D.  in computer science from Heidelberg University, which is also where I got my master’s degree in mathematics.


  • If you are a student interested in working with me, please check out my notes for potential collaborations.
  • I have a lot of great colleagues and friends who helped me get to where I am today; I keep track of this in a dedicated site about the acknowledgements for my career.
  • I might also sometimes appear under the name of Bastian Grossenbacher or Bastian Grossenbacher-Rieck (with or without a hyphen). Technically, my full legal name is ‘Bastian Grossenbacher, né Rieck,’ but the vagaries of international law—my spouse and I do not presently share the same citizenship—make choosing a consistent naming scheme a considerable challenge. To prevent any further confusion, I still publish under my birth name, i.e. as Bastian Rieck.
  • I am trying this Mastodon thing and you can also find me on Bluesky.