2023 in Numbers
Tags: news, musings
I am not a big believer of KPIs for academia because I am familiar with Goodhart’s law, which states that ‘when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.’ A collection of numbers always struck me as a very dry way to summarise things, neglecting completely the emotional roller coasters that are involved in their creation. Nevertheless, here is my attempt at summarising a full year of science and family, mostly so I have something to report to my directors who care a lot about KPIs.
In 2023, we…
- …published 12 conference or journal papers
- …published 2 workshop papers
- …wrote 8 preprints
- …started preparing 2 other preprints
Our research group also…
- …had 4 academic visitors
- …graduated 4 students (congrats to Barış, Franz, Kalyan, and Niklas)
- …graduated 1 Ph.D. student (congrats to Corinna)
Apparently, I also wrote about 182,569 words, give or take a few, in my personal lab book and the associated document repository, which includes letters of recommendations, reviews, and general notes.1
On the personal level, I unfortunately had to say my final farewells to one family member—my grandfather passed away—and one member of our community—Frank H. Lutz. I am grateful that these sad events were contrasted by the birth of my son Andrin. As a birthday gift, I dedicated a paper to him; I hope he will like it.
Wishing everyone the best for 2024!
This number does not include papers or presentations, but it is still skewed to a certain extent by including raw word counts of
files, for instance. ↩︎