Come As You Are

Tags: academia, musings

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I had a marvellous time at a conference on topological data analysis in Oxford this week. Next to the amazing research discussions, I had the opportunity to talk to the next generation of students and understand what they are worrying about these days. After a couple of conversations, a pattern emerged: Many students were worried about being perceived as ‘unprofessional,’ ‘goofy,’ or not ‘serious’ enough by their advisers. I empathise with this feeling, so let me be clear about everyone who works with me or wants to work with me: Come as you are.

I do not come from a strong academic background myself, so I know how it feels to not fit in. Do not worry about that. You can be who you are with me and my collaborators. If you want to crack jokes in presentations, go for it. If you prefer T-shirts from hacker conferences to dress shirts, go for it. If you are the type to rather wear bespoke shirts and Oxfords,1 go for it.

The only thing I ask of you is that you treat everyone else with respect and that you are reliable in your communication.2 Anything else is up to you.

Academia is stuffy enough in some places. Come as you are—and bring a breath of fresh air with you.

  1. Never Brogues, obviously. ↩︎

  2. Let your ‘Yes’ be a ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ be a ‘No.’ ↩︎